The years 2008 and 2009 were my best years, things went pretty well.
The 2008 and 2009 Provo River marathons started up in Provo canyon and ended at Utah Lake State Park. I set my lifetime PR at the 2008 Provo River marathon. This one is a very small race, the entire group going up in 2009 fit onto one bus, although it was crowded.
At the start I realized that in my life I had never led a marathon. I ran out of the start gate at a very fast pace, beyond my ability to maintain, and passed everyone in front of me. Then I realized I was leading the entire race.
My first mile time was 5:52, I was still in shock that no one had passed me yet. Miles 2 – 6 were very memorable for me, with an excitement I will never forget. The excitement was combined with feelings of panic, being afraid that I had gotten off of the course somehow because no one had passed me yet. But then another mile marker would pass, and things would be OK again.
At mile 6 I “ended the madness”, and slowed back to a pace I could maintain, and someone went past me about a half mile later. Then as always happens to some, “Porta Potty time”. The person who had passed me went into another one, and when we came out he got confused and ran back up the course in the wrong direction. I ran after him and got him turned around, then settled in for the rest of the race.
Later I figured out that a time which was only 10 minutes behind my PR from the previous year was in reach, so I pushed for that.
Here’s an idea: At the end of the race, turn into the park.
I missed that last turn off, and spent two minutes running past the park in the wrong direction until someone told me I had missed the turn. I missed my ten minute event by four minutes, two minutes spent running past the park, then two minutes running back.

Frank has run 103 marathons and 3 ultras. He considers any exercise that is not running to be a waste of time. His running music of choice is Nightwish, though he is also a huge fan of Cher. Frank currently lives with his wife in West Jordan, Utah.
Race Directors Note: Frank is a good personal friend that I have known for many years. We currently run together on a weekly basis, and I have run several marathons with him. Through these many interactions I have heard many of the stories that we are sharing on this blog, and I thought it was about time for the rest of the world to hear them. So I hope you all enjoy Fridays with Frank.